Chatramue Thai Green Tea Mix


Chatramue Thai Green Tea Mix



Availability:1 in stock

Chatramue Thai Green Tea Mix


Availability:1 in stock

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SKU: ATT-111024 Category: Tags: , ,
Thai tea mix is ​​a strong black tea with a small amount of sugar, natural herbs and flavors added to make a wonderfully aromatic and tasty tea with a very distinctive and unique Thai flavor
If you need a drink that is hot and strong to help you wake up in the morning – or anytime – this Thai tea will do the trick – even better than strong coffee !!! It is also very refreshing at any time of the day like a cold drink with ice – the way is often consumed in Thailand.
This is the most popular Thai tea mix known in Thai as >> Cha Dtra Meu << – which is used by shops, restaurants and street vendors throughout Thailand. You can use it to make all traditional Thai tea drinks like Cha Yen (Black Iced Tea) – Cha Rorn (Hot Milk Tea) – Cha Nom Yen (Iced Tea Milk) – Cha Manau (Iced Tea Lemon)
Thai tea is very easy to make at home. For small amounts – it can be made in a cup or a teapot. For larger quantities it is possible to make in a cooking pan.
For best results – please follow the instructions on the package
Use of fresh hot boiled water as possible. Do not leave the mix too long in hot water – just 2-3 minutes is fine to produce a good tasting tea
This is real tea – not instant tea – so you have to filter the tea first to remove the tea leaves


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